June 7, 2017

How the Olives Illuminate Greatness®

By: Jennifer Borba von Stauffenberg

“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” – William Shakespeare

How do you know you’re ready for PR? It’s simple: you’ve gotta be doing something great. So often when speaking with CEOs, I hear things like, “We don’t want to have to push the media to cover us, we want it to be authentic and organic.” On the inside I do a little happy dance when hearing this because that my friend is precisely what great PR is. (You’d be surprised how many people overlook this key ingredient.) At Olive, we don’t toss the spaghetti and wait to see what sticks; we create a strategy that involves a lot of research, clear messaging, and direct outreach to the right people.

It’s the core of our business, down to Olive’s tagline “Illuminate Greatness®,” which literally came from me trying to explain what we do. Our job is to shine the spotlight on the great things our clients are doing, actively. Because magic happens when the right people see it.

So there you have it—the two key ingredients clients need for an authentic PR campaign. 1) You must be doing something great. 2) You need the right people to see what great things you’re doing.

With the resources available to us – thanks Google! – paired with the great tools we invest in to support us in having maximum access, we can reach just about anyone and everyone. But the secret sauce lies in how we are also in a dialogue with media ALL THE TIME. We keep a close watch on what the media is looking for and then pair it with the awesome things you have going on, so the outcome is an amazing authentic feature in the right place, at the right time, to support your business in the right way.

While it is certainly true that journalists and editors find their own stories to cover, there is a very good chance a great PR person made them aware of the brand in the first place. Every great story starts somewhere. We’d love to chat with you if you are looking for an authentic way to illuminate your greatness.
